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Pure Milk

Bro. Stacy McKee

Updated: Aug 1, 2019

1peter 2:1-3

our desire for the Word of God, to know it & to grow in it, comes from our developing a taste for it. Peter, of all people, knew what it was like to need grace. He had been called Satan, been told that Satan desired to “have” him, denied Christ right in front of him the last time he would see him alive. Plain and simple; Peter needed grace.

In V--1 he had already told the church to lay aside the junk food that the world feasts upon, like malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, & evil speech. In V-2 he reminds them of the most important spiritual food they would ever receive; “pure milk of the word.“.

In V-3 he sayes you can and will deny the junk food of the flesh. (V-1)

You can and will feast on pure spiritual milk. (V-2) If and when you have “tasted that the Lord is gracious.“ (V-3).

Peter failed Jesus more than a few times. He ruined his witness, harmed his and the disciples‘ reputation, and almost as bad as Judas, he betrayed the Lord Jesus and denied that he even knew him.

I said all that to remind you of the fact that not only did Jesus forgive him; Jesus restored him when he told him to “feed my sheep.” Not only did he call him; He used him on the most important day the Church would ever know.

So, when Peter said, “desire the word”, it was because he knew the grace of Its Author. The restoring, regenerating, relentless, resurrected Son of God and Son of man, Jesus Christ. It reminds us that we haven’t seen hard times and experienced grace for nothing. It’s So you’ll know the value of His Word and his promises to you. Taste the pure milk and see for yourself!

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